One of the unfortunate things about being a working parent especially one that works on the weekend is that occasionally you miss out on seeing your children’s sporting achievements. I came home on Saturday night to find out that earlier in the day Taylor and her crew at the Roseville Regatta had one their first rowing race of the season. It was one of those come from behind wins where with 500 metres to go they were in sixth position and then over the last part of the race they powered through to win. The girls were so excited about winning their cheers and screams could be heard from the shoreline. Congratulations to Taylor, Erin, Justine, Issy and Kate all the hard work and early mornings is staring to show. Maria their coach and Peter Hughes the rowing master deserve special attention for developing the girls in to a great crew. All of the efforts that you guys put in are very much appreciated. I also want to mention how excited our other awesome daughter Dillon was about her big sister winning the race. Taylor your mum and I are very proud of you. Keep it up you and your crew is headed for great things. By the way all the pics from the Regatta were taken with Trudi’s camera phone.
The Powder Puff Crew rock.
Go li'l sistas.
The Powder Puff Crew rock.
Go li'l sistas.
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