July 13, 2006

Mix 106FM Expo winners. part two

Here is how Kelly and Alex won the wedding competition;

Hi Darren,

Well basically we had just been engaged a few weeks and a mate forwards me this link to the Mix 106.5 web site for the Bridal Expo competition. There were 3 questions and I liked the look of them. Or more that I already knew what my answers would be straight away and wanted to fill them in because I like to tell other people about Kelly and myself. The trouble was getting it down to 25 words or less for each, but in the end it only took about 10 minutes. This is what I ended up with (paraphrasing because I lost the actual answers when I submitted them…)

1. How did you meet and how did you know they were the one?

At a friend's punk rock fancy dress party. I had blue hair and she was the only one not dressed punk. How antiestablishment is that.

2. What's the most romantic thing they've ever done for you?

Drove to the mountain's to get my favorite childhood cake from the only baker in the state that knew how to make it.

3. What's your idea of the perfect day together?

Walking hand in hand through the streets of Paris. Coffee at a cafe. Dinner watching the sunset and a night of passion.

Then another couple of weeks went by and it was the very day before I was due to go in to hospital for surgery when I get a call at work in the morning from Bogart Torelli. I wasn’t sure who that was since I don’t often listen to the radio but I understood when she asked if they could call back at around 10am so they could chat to me on air. Anyway, sweating bullets for a couple of hours and then they called. I can’t remember what I said exactly. I was sure I sounded like a goober but Kelly was listening at her work and said I didn’t babble on too bad.

They told us that we were one of 27 finalists and that they would announce the winner at the Bridal Expo in a couple of weeks. I was determined to make it out of hospital in time but, because of a couple of complications, didn’t get there and so Kel had to go up on stage alone. I was listening in on the mobile as you can see in the picture I’ve attached of Kelly accepting the prize from Dave Wright. It was the most surreal thing being in this quiet hospital room alone after Kel hung up the phone.

Anyway, it’s been an awesome ride and we’ve had over a year’s worth of prizes to keep us smiling. Not the least of which was the album from you guys.

Not bad for 10 minutes answering questions that I would have answered for fun anyway J


Alex Engelhardt

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